The fully automatic block making machine price is more than that of the semi-automatic block making machine. Automatic block making machine price differ in configuration. For instance, the fully automatic concrete block making machine cost more with its high configuration.

Automatic Concrete Block Making Machine Price List
Machine Model Automation Level Pcs/mould
Block Size:390x190x190mm
Block Forming Cycle CapacityBlock Size:390x190x190mm Price List
QT4-25C Automatic and no hydraulic 4Pcs/mould 25 Senonds 4608pcs/8hrs USD13000
QT4-18 Automatic and hydraulic 4Pcs/mould 18 Senonds 6400pcs/8hrs USD15000
QT4-15 Automatic and hydraulic 4Pcs/mould 15 Senonds 7680pcs/8hrs USD18000
QT5-15 Automatic and hydraulic 5Pcs/mould 15 Senonds 9600pcs/8hrs


QT6-15 Automatic and hydraulic 6Pcs/mould 15 Senonds 11520pcs/8hrs



QT8-15 Automatic and hydraulic 8Pcs/mould 15 Senonds 15360pcs/8hrs USD50000

You can see a price list for various auto block-making machine models with different levels of automation, capacities, and production speeds in the above table.

These machines produce standard-size bricks of 390x190x190 mm, and the prices range from USD 13000 for the most basic, semi-automatic model to USD 50,000 for the most advanced, fully automatic and hydraulic model.

Note: when you produce different size of blocks, the capacity will be different. You can contact LONTTO for the capacity of other sizes of blocks.

chao zhang

Author: Chao Zhang

I am Chao Zhang, I have been working in the brick making industry for over 10 years. I have a deep understanding and research on various models of block making machines, especially automatic brick machines, concrete block machines, compressed earth block machines, clay brick machines, cement brick machines. I have a special understanding of this industry. I can help my clients choose the suitable brick machine and assist them in designing and building a brick production factory. If you want to know everything about brick making machines, please contact me. I am happy to help you.