At present, there are three main kinds of brick making machines on the market, they are vibrating pressure brick machine, vibrate brick machine and hydraulic press brick machine. These three kinds of brick machines have different power and molding ways. Now widely recognized is a hydraulic brick machine, now let lontto tell you the advantages of the hydraulic press brick machine than the other two kinds:
Vibrate with hydraulic pressure brick machine: It combined with vibration machine and hydraulic transmission, generally noise, high output, generally compactness. Need to plate maintenance, maintenance cycle is long. Need employ persons is more, for the demand of ground to work is higher, the product types are general.
Vibrate brick machine: To mechanical shock vibration machine molding, big noise, general production, low product density. Need to plate maintenance, maintenance cycle is long. Need more employ persons. For the demand of ground to work is higher, the product types are single.
Hydraulic brick machine:Â Hydraulic brick machine just likes its name implies, it is powered by the hydraulic transmission brick production of machinery and equipment, is a large brick machine mainstream models. Use hydraulic transmission as the production of power, mute, static model. No noise, high output and high compactness. Without plate maintenance, maintenance cycle is short. Less of choose and employ persons, have no requirements to work on the ground, products variety.

I am Chao Zhang, I have been working in the brick making industry for over 10 years. I have a deep understanding and research on various models of block making machines, especially automatic brick machines, concrete block machines, compressed earth block machines, clay brick machines, cement brick machines. I have a special understanding of this industry. I can help my clients choose the suitable brick machine and assist them in designing and building a brick production factory. If you want to know everything about brick making machines, please contact me. I am happy to help you.